You might just add some simple APIs in your library and you’ll not think that will break down your compatibility. But actually, it might, that is – the source-code compatibility.
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Assume that we’ve written a project P which references another two libraries A and B. And we have a Walterlv.A.Diagnostics.Foo
class in library A.
using Walterlv.A;
using Walterlv.B;
namespace Walterlv.Demo
class Hello
Run(Diagnostics.Foo foo)
And now we add a new class Walterlv.B.Diagnostics.Bar
class into the B library. That is adding a new API only.
Unfortunately, the code above would fail to compile because of the ambiguity of Diagnostics
namespace. The Foo
class cannot be found in an ambiguity namespace.
I write this post down to tell you that there may be source-code compatibility issue even if you only upgrade your library by simply adding APIs.
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